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Authors: Palević, Milan
Issue Date: 2018
Abstract: Мanagement permeates all business activities and is of essential significance for all organizations and sectors, including the activities of the service sector. The quality of offering services and the quality of the service itself depend to a great extent on the quality management, that is on its practical implementation not only within the service provider's organizational structure, but also outside his organization, on the market - the service user verifying, monitoring and assesing the quality of these services. Since one and the same quality level meets different needs of different actors, it is necessary to pay attention what goals we want to achieve by upgrading the quality of services. Here we encounter the problem of both economic and organizational nature since it covers the aspect of offering services and the aspect of their improvement which both have impact on the key element of each company – successful business. From this, rather broadly set scope of discussion, a number of theoretical and practical questions can be raised. In this paper the author will present general, abstract but scientifically and methodologically based concepts of service management and service quality, the scope and categories of service quality, the principle characteristics of service quality and possible ways for its improvement. Also, in this paper the author will present some of key criteria for defining the service quality, as well as analyze the expected and perceived quality concepts and some key problems related to quality of service providing.
Type: bookPart
DOI: 10.46793/XXIv-9.003P
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Law, Kragujevac

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