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Title: Obradivost limova od Al−legura pri dvostranom zatezanju
Authors: Stefanovic, Milentije
Samardžic M.
Aleksandrovic, Srbislav
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: Korišćenje novih materijala u obradi plastičnim deformisanju zahteva pouzdano definisanje parametara obradivosti. Pri dubokom izvlačenju tankih limova značaj granične deformabilnosti je dominantan, i izučavan sa više aspekata. U ovom radu se navode rezultati eksperimentalnog istraživanja pri karakterističnoj naponsko-deformaciona shema dvostranog zatezanje-razvlačenja za limove od Al-legura: zavisnost deformacione sile od hoda, distribucije deformacija i odnosi u dijagramu granične deformabilnost. Ključne reči: Al-legure, duboko izvlačenje, obradivost Summary: The use of classic and new materials in technologies of plastic metal forming represents the reliable defining of formability parameters. At deep drawing of thin sheet metals the aspect of formability is most certainly one of the most important and most investigated aspects. Stretch forming with rigid tools is an important process for the fabrication of Al-alloys sheet metal. The paper presents the results of an experimental analysis of stretch forming: dependencies of forming force on travel, strain distribution and it also shows the relations in limit forming diagram.
Type: conferenceObject
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Engineering, Kragujevac

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