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Назив: Adsorptive transfer voltammetry applied to the study of chromium-induced DNA damage in the presence of curcumin
Аутори: Serpi C.
Stanic, Zorka
girousi, stella
Датум издавања: 2013
Сажетак: The interaction between double-stranded (ds) calf-thymus DNA and chromium in the presence of curcumin (CC) was studied by differential pulse adsorptive transfer voltammetry using carbon paste electrode (CPE). Curcumin-Cr complex generated changes in calf thymus DNA. The mechanism for DNA cleavage by curcumin-Cr complex appears to involve both the hydroxyl radical as well as singlet oxygen. The characteristic peak of dsDNA, due to the oxidation of guanine residues, drastically decreased. The increased DNA damage by curcumin-Cr complex was observed in the presence of various concentrations of chromium(VI). © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
URI: https://scidar.kg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/10329
Тип: article
DOI: 10.1080/03067319.2012.656098
ISSN: 0306-7319
SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-84875838954
Налази се у колекцијама:Faculty of Science, Kragujevac

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