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Назив: Testing of the electromotor power transmitter properties
Аутори: Ivanović, Lozica
Josifović, Danica
Ćatić, Dobrivoje
Ilic A.
Датум издавања: 2013
Сажетак: © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013. The requirements set, which modern gear power transmitter have to fulfill, are quite complex. The modern gear power transmitters are working on higher and very fluctuating load level, while need to be even more smaller, efficient, quieter, easier to produce and finally they have to cost less. Although the latest development made in the analysis and simulation of power transmitter, experimental testing is still essential. This paper presents the experimental method of measurement and assessment of working properties of electromotor power transmitter. The testing method presented in this paper is specific application-oriented full-scale testing with simulation of working conditions. Testing of the characteristic properties values was conducted on a three stage electromotor power transmitter and on the production series of five pieces. The paper presents two kinds of examination, the method of serial examination and the method of occasional (reduced—standard) testing. Experimentally determined characteristics and performances of power transmitters in working conditions represented real result of its design and used manufacturing processes. The obtained results are used as essential data for design modifications and its proper qualification, so as developing completely new designs. Also, results obtained by the same methodology represented the current technical condition of the examined power transmitter and could be used as condition diagnosis of the power transmitter elements without the need of their disassembly. The needs for standardizing of the testing methods are pointed out.
URI: https://scidar.kg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/10375
Тип: conferenceObject
DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-6558-0_51
ISSN: 2211-0984
SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85035132597
Налази се у колекцијама:Faculty of Engineering, Kragujevac

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