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dc.contributor.authorJovanovic Lj.-
dc.contributor.authorSubota V.-
dc.contributor.authorStavric M.-
dc.contributor.authorSubotic B.-
dc.contributor.authorDzudovic B.-
dc.contributor.authorNovicic N.-
dc.contributor.authorMatijasevic J.-
dc.contributor.authorMiric M.-
dc.contributor.authorSalinger S.-
dc.contributor.authorMarkovic Nikolic, Natasa-
dc.contributor.authorNikolić, Maja-
dc.contributor.authorMiloradovic, Vladimir-
dc.contributor.authorKos L.-
dc.contributor.authorKovacevic Preradovic T.-
dc.contributor.authorMarinkovic J.-
dc.contributor.authorKocev N.-
dc.contributor.authorObradović S.-
dc.description.abstract© 2019 Elsevier B.V. Factors associated with provoked PE may influence a biomarker's predictive value for the primary outcome. The aim of this study was to investigate the value of BNP, cTnI, CRP and D-Dimer measurements taken soon after hospital admission for the prediction of 30-day PE-caused death in patients with spontaneous versus provoked PE.Data were extracted from a pool of 726 consecutive PE patients enrolled in the multicenter Serbian PE registry. Blood concentrations of BNP, cTnI, CRP and D-dimer were measured during the first 24 h of hospitalization. BNP blood level had strong predictive value for the primary outcome in spontaneous PE (c-statistics 0.943, 95% CI 0.882–1.000, p = .001) and a slightly lower predictive outcome in provoked PE (c-statistics 0.824, 95% CI 0.745–0.902, p < .001). NRI and IDI showed that none of the markers, when added to BNP, could improve Cox regression prediction models for 30-day PE-related mortality in either the spontaneous or provoked PE group. Blood levels of BNP measured during the first 24 h of hospital admission had an excellent predictive value for 30-day PE-related mortality in spontaneous PE and slightly lower predictive value in provoked PE, whereas CRP, cTnI and D-Dimer did not contribute significantly to the predictive value of BNP in either group.-
dc.sourceClinica Chimica Acta-
dc.titleBiomarkers for the prediction of early pulmonary embolism related mortality in spontaneous and provoked thrombotic disease-
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medical Sciences, Kragujevac

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