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Назив: pSTAT3 expression associated with survival and mammographic density of breast cancer patients
Аутори: Radenković G.
Konjević G.
Gavrilovic D.
Stojanovic-Rundic S.
Plesinac Karapandzic V.
Stevanović P.
Jurisic, Vladimir
Датум издавања: 2019
Сажетак: © 2018 Elsevier GmbH Background: Constitutive activation of STAT3 have been shown in several tumor types including breast cancer. We investigate STAT3 expresion as possible molecular marker for breast cancer early detection, as well as prognostic factor for determination of tumor agressiveness. Methods: In this study we measure p(Y705)STAT3 expression in tumor and adjacent tissue of breast cancer patients by Western blot. For relapse-free survival (RFS) and overall survival (OS) we used Log-Rank test. Results: We show that average expression of p (Y705) STAT3 in tumor tissue is higher compared to adjacent tissue. Moreover, we found that patients with HER2 positive receptors had significantly higher pSTAT3 expression compared to HER2 negative patients. We showed that patients with high mammographic density had significantly higher tumor expression of pSTAT3 compared to patients with low mammographic density. Also, we show that pSTAT3 expression correlates with longer RFS in the entire group of patients, as well as in the group of ER positive, in lymph node positive and in older group of breast cancer patients (with age over 50). Furthermore, in the entire group of patients, in ER positive, in lymph node positive and in older group of patient, high expression of pSTAT3 showed a better survival than low expression of pSTAT3. Conclusion: Considering that the expression of pSTAT3 is associated with longer RFS and survival, it can be used as prognostic tools for determination of group of breast cancer patients with low-risk.
URI: https://scidar.kg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/10938
Тип: article
DOI: 10.1016/j.prp.2018.12.023
ISSN: 0344-0338
SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85059140326
Налази се у колекцијама:Faculty of Medical Sciences, Kragujevac

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