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Title: Trideset godina iz života Milana Narandžića – prvi srpski homodijegetički roman
Authors: Ilić, Branko A.
Issue Date: 2020
Abstract: The paper deals with the specific position of the first Serbian realistic novel, written in 1860 ‒ Jakov Ignjatović’s Thirty years in Milan Narandžić’s life, which is, at the same time, the first Serbian homodiegetic novel. The analysis takes into consideration Ignjatović’s narrative strategy, as well as his innovative and authentic narratological features which had been unnoticed and neglected by previous researchers of the novel. The paper offers possible ways of interpreting the novel, and draws attention to its significance and impact on the development of Serbian novel.
Type: article
DOI: 10.18485/uzdanica.2020.17.1.1
ISSN: 1451-673X
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Education, Jagodina

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