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Назив: Zastupljenost i korišćenje afektivnih strategija učenja engleskog jezika kod studenata na nematičnim fakultetima – jedan vid inovativne nastav
Аутори: Ćirković Miladinović, Ivana
Датум издавања: 2018
Сажетак: In this paper the author analyses the influence of affective profile on affective learning strategies usage according to different study programmes. Since both efficacy and quality of teaching English language represent significant factors for the improvement of university teaching, students’ competency depends on the quality and the level of achievement of English language educational goals both in the field of the use of language and in the field of reading English texts for specific purposes. Reading in a foreign language contributes to students’ effective dealing with their future professional tasks. The main goal of the research was to determine the frequency of using affective learning strategies in learning English as a foreign language at faculties of education in Serbia according to different study programmes. The SILL questionnaire was used for the purpose of data collection. The questionnaire was filled in by N = 375 students and the results of the research were analyzed quantitatively. On the basis of the final results it can be concluded that students very rarely use affective learning strategies in learning English as a foreign language and that the affective profile and study programme do have the influence on the usage of affective learning strategies.
URI: https://scidar.kg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/13274
Тип: article
ISSN: 1451-673X
Налази се у колекцијама:Faculty of Education, Jagodina

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