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Назив: Partnerstvo sa prirodom u poljskim učionicama Sretena Adžića
Аутори: Andevski, Milica
Budimir Ninković, Gordana
Banić, Branislav
Датум издавања: 2018
Сажетак: Sreten Adžić implemented his ideal of “arranging a convenient place where he will teach his pupils [...] in greenery, in free nature, outside the stuffy walled classrooms” by establishing field classrooms that reflected the vision and intentions of the developed countries from the beginning of the twentieth century, with the priority to transform, in each school, a piece of property in an experimental and instructive agricultural land for exercising pupils in agriculture. In this way, the first ecological ideas were born in the Male Teacher Training School in Jagodina, followed by other Serbian schools. The irrefutable facts testify that Sreten Adžić, in his authentic way and at his own responsibility, was the first to found and arrange five classrooms in the greenery of free nature ‒ called ’field classrooms’ because they were located in the field ‒ designed in the form of beautiful ornamental gardens with field houses. The aim of this paper is to point out the modernity and the importance of Sreten Adžić’s pedagogical ideas, especially in the area of environmental education, which anticipated ecological crisis and the relationship between man and nature in the 20th century. The nature of the paper required qualitative, analytical-synthetic research methods with elements of description and comparison and the application of an interpretative paradigm. On the basis of the analysis, it can be concluded that Sreten Adžić’s pedagogical thinking anticipates the features of the contemporary civilization, with its expansive economic policy, and reflects the need to set the principles of eco-ethics, which Adžić described with his spiritual and moral idea “back to nature”. The main goal of Sreten Adžić was to create a sustainable system in order to prevent the short-sighted, ruthless attitude of man towards nature.
URI: https://scidar.kg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/13319
Тип: article
ISSN: 1451-673X
Налази се у колекцијама:Faculty of Education, Jagodina

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