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Назив: Wandering spleen-a possible cause of adrenal ”mass“-case report
Аутори: Markovic, Slavica
Paunovic, Milan
Vuletic, Biljana
Raskovic Zorica
Kostic, Gordana
Igrutinovic, Zoran
Folic, Nevena
Savic, Dragana
Medović, Raša
Датум издавања: 2021
Сажетак: Wandering spleen is a very rare clinical condition character-ized by spleen absence in the normal anatomical location in the upper left quadrant of the abdomen and its presence at another location in the abdomen or pelvis. The ectopic spleen is extremely rare in children, where its increased mobility is the result of a congenital disturbance of the fixation for the anterior wall due to the absence or weakness of the supporting ligaments. Wandering spleen is usually asymptomatic, but its torsion is possible, as well as infarction or rupture which demand an urgent diagnosis and surgical treatment. The diagnosis of wandering spleen can easily be overlooked due to low incidence and insufficient clinical experience, which multiplies patient's risk from life-threatening conditions. We present a case of wandering spleen in an 11-year-old girl with acute abdominal pain, which after ultrasound examination raised suspicion on the right adrenal gland tumor. Additional diagnostics verified an ectopic spleen in the right adrenal box, after which the recommended preventive splenopexy was seriously considered. Due to the fixation of the vital spleen in the new position, but also the negative attitude of the parents towards the surgical intervention, clinical monitoring was selected, with exclusion of intense physical activity that carries the risk of traumatization of the spleen. As the girl has been in good health for over 3 years and without symptoms, we consider that the selection of conservative access although difficult, was correct. We hope that our experience in treating wandering spleen in girls will increase the number of valid facts about this rare condition.
URI: https://scidar.kg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/14009
Тип: article
DOI: 10.2478/sjecr-2019-0004
ISSN: 1820-8665
SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85118358353
Налази се у колекцијама:Faculty of Medical Sciences, Kragujevac

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