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Аутори: Jovanović, Zoran
Датум издавања: 2021
Сажетак: Information - communication technologies perhaps represent the most significant drive for the development of contemporary society and market. State is always the constant, unavoidable element in the functioning of every society and market and is, itself and through its bodies, susceptible to the influence of new trends and concepts. Their effects are so large that they change the role of the state and the nature of its bodies reflecting the need for continuous reform of public administration worldwide. One of the principal reforming elements and concepts in modern public administration refers to its digitalization, that is the process of electronization. Electronic government, that is e-government as a modern concept which assumes the digitalization of the entire work of public sector by replacing the traditional institutes and functions with modern concepts that include the application of information and communication systems. Thanks to digital reform, the work of public administration has become more transparent and efficient making it more accessible to interested parties and stakeholders, but also leading to the changed role – from public government to public service. The process of electronization and reform of public administration includes the digitalization of public services which public bodies offer to their citizens, enterprises, commercial sector and other persons they come in contact with, and whose rights and interests they protect. Public services include numerous services from different spheres of life: health, economy, ecology, internal affairs, etc. Bearing in mind the significance of public services for the citizens’ and companies’ regular work and functioning, their digitalization represents an important developmental phase which requires adequate academic and scientific approach.
URI: https://scidar.kg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/14145
Тип: article
DOI: 10.46793/XXIv-12.251J
Налази се у колекцијама:Faculty of Law, Kragujevac

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