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Назив: Pravni okvir elektronske uprave u Srbiji
Аутори: Palević, Milan
Датум издавања: 2020
Сажетак: The paper starts from the basic issues related to e-government and points to the stages in its development. Public administration of information societies is serviceoriented. Even today, this is not a ubiquitous reality in Serbia, but taking into account the experiences of the most industrially developed countries, the legal framework of egovernment in Serbia can be based on several postulates. The first principle is the simplicity and accessibility of data and services to all citizens by e-government. The second principle refers to the professionalization and professional development of civil servants for the daily and successful use of information and communication technologies. The third principle is, in fact, more a request for education and teaching of citizens and economic entities about the advantages and disadvantages of using egovernment. Also, state bodies should show the importance of using e-government by their own example. n addition to the review of the Explanation of the Draft Law on Electronic Government, the central part of the paper is a review and analysis of the solution of this important legal framework for electronic government in Serbia. Thus, the principles on which the Law on Electronic Administration is based are analyzed; e-government infrastructure; supervision over the implementation of the Law. Finally, the author points out (as one of the conclusions) that e-government in the Internet environment and from the point of view of international relations should enable communication between the Serbian e-government and e-governments of other countries, as well as international organizations. The author of this paper believes that in the future there will be such public services that are more open, more efficient and ultimately simple, which is why the circle of users would be wider.
URI: https://scidar.kg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/14512
Тип: bookPart
DOI: 10.46793/UPK20.523P
Налази се у колекцијама:Faculty of Law, Kragujevac

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