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Назив: Cytotoxic effects of selected gold(III) complexes on the murine BCL-1 B lineage leukaemia cell line
Аутори: Volarevic, Vladislav
Milovanovic, Marija
Kesić, Ana
Bugarčić Z.
Arsenijevic, Nebojsa
Датум издавања: 2012
Сажетак: In recent years, gold(III) complexes have attracted great interest because of their cytotoxicity to cancer cells. We investigated the cytotoxic effects of three newly synthesised gold(III) complexes, [Au(en)Cl 2] + (dichloride (ethylendiamine) aurate(III)-ion), [Au(dach)Cl 2] (dichloride (1,2- diaminocyclohexane) aurate(III)-ion) and [Au(bipy)Cl 2] + (dichloride (2,2'-bipyridyl) aurate(III)-ion), on the murine BCL-1 B lineage leukaemia cell line. The cytotoxicity of these gold(III) complexes was evaluated by cytotoxic assay (MTT test). The results showed that all of the tested gold(III) complexes displayed a cytotoxic effect on BCL-1 cells. The concentration decrease was followed by a marked increase in BCL-1 cell viability. At a concentration of 125 μM, which we suppose could be used in vivo, the [Au(bipy)Cl 2] + complex showed the greatest cytotoxic effects among the tested gold(III) complexes and similar cytotoxicity asto the cisplatinum that we used as control. Among the tested gold(III) complexes, [Au(en)Cl 2] +was the least cytotoxic to BCL-1 cells. In line with the obtained results, we suggest that the [Au(bipy)Cl 2] + complex should be tested in vivo in experimental models of B cell leukaemia.
URI: https://scidar.kg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/14867
Тип: article
DOI: 10.5937/SJECR-1721
ISSN: 1820-8665
SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-84867834490
Налази се у колекцијама:Faculty of Medical Sciences, Kragujevac

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