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Аутори: Brašić Stojanović, Jovana
Датум издавања: 2018
Сажетак: Foreign direct investment is a key factor in accelerating economic growth and the development of countries around the world. Economic and legal connection and mutual conditionality of various world markets enabled free cross-border capital flow with the aim of investing in national economies of underdeveloped countries and developing countries. As the state receivers of capital expect a whole range of positive effects from foreign direct investment, this aims to influence the improvement of the investment climate, risk mitigation, increase in volume and the correct sectoral distribution of foreign direct investments by numerous measures and benefits for foreign investors. The foreign capital inflows were financed by all three sectors of the economy, but nonetheless foreign direct investments were the most frequent in the service sector, where investment in financial services, telecommunication services and information technology services were particularly significant. The potentials of developing countries, the size of the market and the development of technology have contributed to the inflow of foreign direct investment into the service sector, while countries have become more competitive and more prepared for the new challenges brought about by globalization.
URI: https://scidar.kg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/15092
Тип: conferenceObject
DOI: 10.46793/XIVMajsko.1083BS
Налази се у колекцијама:Faculty of Law, Kragujevac

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