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Аутори: Palević, Milan
Датум издавања: 2022
Сажетак: The main subject of research in this paper is the question to what extent the candidate states for membership in the European Union are legally obliged to harmonize their foreign policy with the Common Defense and Security Policy of the European Union, in the part that concerns the introduction of sanctions against non-member states. This issue was viewed through the prism of the obligations of the member states of the United Nations. Sanction systems that were developed within the OUN and the European Union were analyzed using a comparative method. The same scientific method was used to draw a conclusion on the main research question, comparing the obligations of non- EU member states in relation to the obligations of EU member states. The research is limited to the analysis of sanctions and their types according to the entity that imposes them. The main conclusions of the research are that, in the legal sense, it is not possible to establish an obligation for non-members that the members themselves do not have; a nonmember state is neither an active nor a passive subject of primary or secondary EU law from which the conditional obligation of members to comply with sanctions derives; the substitution of a universal instrument - the UN Charter, with a regional agreement - the Treaty of Lisbon, is not possible for a non-EU state - which is not a signatory party to that agreement.
URI: https://scidar.kg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/15294
Тип: bookPart
DOI: 10.46793/UPSSX.105P
Налази се у колекцијама:Faculty of Law, Kragujevac

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