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Authors: Urdarević, Bojan
Issue Date: 2022
Abstract: The use of information and communication technologies leads to the emergence of new occupations and professions, but also to the shift of the employer's focus from the standard employment relationship to other, atypical forms of work. This digitalization of work affects the increase in efficiency and the easier performance of these tasks, but it also leads to the precarization of work and a significantly more difficult way of exercising rights based on work. The special attention of researchers is occupied by platform workers who are in a significantly more difficult position than other workers, given the fact that their labor law status is not recognized and protected by a special law, and that they are, now, considered entrepreneurs who independently provide services on the market, although they are not completely independent in performing their work. Since there are no concrete sources of law regulating the labor law position of platform workers, the courts play a key role in realizing and protecting their rights based on work. In the environment of the absence of appropriate legal norms, the court's task is not at all simple, and therefore the national courts of the member states of the European Union often turn to the European Court of Justice. For this reason, in this paper, the author will discuss several significant judgments of the European Court of Justice that concern platform workers and that show all the complexity of the matter in question.
Type: bookPart
DOI: 10.46793/XXIv-13.157U
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Law, Kragujevac

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