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Аутори: Vulovic, Dejan
Kozarski J.
Curcic Z.
Stepić N.
Vucetic M.
Rakić, Dragan
Vulovic, Tatjana
Датум издавања: 2022
Сажетак: Radial forearm flap is an axial flap that has become an important technique in reconstructive surgery as a free flap or as a pedicled flap. Defects of the skin and other tissues on the hand are very common and most often they are work-related injuries. In deep defects, flap must be used, as well as in reconstruction of the am-putated thumb. There are many flaps that provide adequate soft tissue coverage for the hand. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to present the results of the use of radial forearm flap in various reconstructions on the hand. The retrospective study included 35 patients who underwent reconstruction with radial forearm flaps due to defects of the skin and other tissues on the hand, in the period 1997-2019. Results and complications of the surgery were analyzed. The functional and aesthetic outcome was assessed using Michigan Hand Outcome Qusteionnarire. All patients were followed for a minimum of 1 year. Fasciocutaneous flap was the most commonly used (65.71%), followed by adiposofascial (20%) and osteocutaneous (14.29%). The size of the fasciocutaneous flap ranged from 2.2x3.1cm to 9x13.5cm. The majority of donor sites were closed with split-thickness skin grafts (56.52%), and less frequently with direct suture, local skin flap, and full-thick-ness skin graft. There were no complete flap losses in the study. Marginal necrosis was noted in 8.57%, and graft failure at the donor site in 14.29%. Secondary surgical procedures were performed in 13 patients. The functional-aesthetic result of the oper-ation, based on the MHQ score, ranged from 31 (1/35) to 130 points (3/35). The ultimate aim of hand reconstruction is to re-store sufficient function and form, also, closing the wound within three days following the injury is desirable. Meticulous intraoper-ative dissection of radial flap and early physical therapy after surgery are mandatory. The radial flap is a suitable method, especially for large and more distal skin defects on the hand, and a very good method for thumb reconstruction.
URI: https://scidar.kg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/15644
Тип: article
DOI: 10.2478/sjecr-2020-0034
ISSN: 1820-8665
SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85145030723
Налази се у колекцијама:Faculty of Medical Sciences, Kragujevac

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