Молимо вас користите овај идентификатор за цитирање или овај линк до ове ставке: https://scidar.kg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/15949
Назив: Local Semantic Correlation Modeling Over Graph Neural Networks for Deep Feature Embedding and Image Retrieval
Аутори: Kan S.
Cen Y.
Li, Yidong
Mladenovic, Vladimir
He Z.
Датум издавања: 2022
Сажетак: Deep feature embedding aims to learn discriminative features or feature embeddings for image samples which can minimize their intra-class distance while maximizing their inter-class distance. Recent state-of-the-art methods have been focusing on learning deep neural networks with carefully designed loss functions. In this work, we propose to explore a new approach to deep feature embedding. We learn a graph neural network to characterize and predict the local correlation structure of images in the feature space. Based on this correlation structure, neighboring images collaborate with each other to generate and refine their embedded features based on local linear combination. Graph edges learn a correlation prediction network to predict the correlation scores between neighboring images. Graph nodes learn a feature embedding network to generate the embedded feature for a given image based on a weighted summation of neighboring image features with the correlation scores as weights. Our extensive experimental results under the image retrieval settings demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods by a large margin, especially for top-1 recalls.
URI: https://scidar.kg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/15949
Тип: article
DOI: 10.1109/TIP.2022.3163571
ISSN: 1057-7149
SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85127747878
Налази се у колекцијама:Faculty of Technical Sciences, Čačak

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