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Назив: 3D reconstruction and computational modeling of solid-fluid interaction in realistic heart model
Аутори: Simic, Vladimir
Milosevic, Miljan
Saveljic, Igor
Milicevic, Bogdan
Filipovic, Nenad
Kojić M.
Датум издавања: 2021
Сажетак: In this report we present basic steps in the 3D reconstruction process of DICOM images and application of our finite element (FE) numerical procedure for loose coupling solid-fluid interaction, to simulate a complete heartbeat cycle for a realistic model of the left heart side. Passive mechanical stresses are calculated using an orthotropic material model based on the experimental investigation of passive material properties of the myocardium, while active stresses are calculated using the Hunter material model. The basic equations for solid mechanics, fluid dynamics, and muscle activation are summarized and model applicability is illustrated on a complex realistic model which includes a left atrium, ventricle, mitral and aortic valves (which serve as fluid domain) coupled with solid wall with realistic fiber directions.
URI: https://scidar.kg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/16154
Тип: conferenceObject
DOI: 10.1109/BIBE52308.2021.9635284
SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85123717527
Налази се у колекцијама:Faculty of Engineering, Kragujevac
Institute for Information Technologies, Kragujevac

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