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Назив: Contribution of International Tourism to Export and Development Performance of Serbia
Аутори: Gnjatović, Dragana
Leković, Miljan
Датум издавања: 2016
Сажетак: The development tendencies of international tourism in global framework create a need for examining its importance for the economies of individual states. In that sense, this paper examines the impact of international tourism on export and development performance of Serbia. On the basis of conducted analysis we conclude that international tourism cannot still be labelled as the generator of exports and economic growth. Through comparative analysis of the effects of international tourism on the economies of the neighboring countries we conclude that export and development oriented economy of Serbia has relatively weak reliance on tourism. Policy makers are facing a challenge of the development of international tourism which corresponds directly to overall economic development of the country
URI: https://scidar.kg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/16485
Тип: conferenceObject
Налази се у колекцијама:Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism, Vrnjačka Banja

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