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Назив: Меtоdi diјаgnоstikоvаnjа оdvајаčа kоndеnzаtа
Аутори: Gordić, Dušan
Babic, Milun
Jovicic, Nebojsa
Šušteršič, Vanja
Jelić, Dubravka
Датум издавања: 2005
Сажетак: The authors of the paper had the intention to emphasize the importance of steam trap testing in order to eliminate irregular working conditions and redundant energy waste. Experience told us that this problem is underestimated in our industry. In this paper, the classification of steam traps was presented, as well as causes of their failure. A critical analysis of methods for steam trap testing and recommended testing intervals were also shown.
URI: https://scidar.kg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/16563
Тип: conferenceObject
Налази се у колекцијама:Faculty of Engineering, Kragujevac

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Gordić, D., Babić, M., Jovičić, N., Šušteršič, V., Jelić, D. (2005) Metodi dijagnostikovanja odvajača kondenzata.pdf1.12 MBAdobe PDFСличица

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