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Назив: Comunal Wastewater Biogas Energy Potential in Kragujevac
Аутори: Josijevic, Mladen
Milašinović, Marko
Sustersic, Vanja
Gordić, Dušan
Babić, Milun
Датум издавања: 2014
Сажетак: Biomass energy, which originates from communal wastewater, now receives a specialattention as a very effective and potent source of renewable energy. Communal wastewater is available as a domestic resource and therefore there is no need for its import, as with conventional fuels. Anaerobic digestion of biomass results in biogas (55-75% CH4). Anaerobic digestion in wastewater treatment plants reduces the amount of fi nal sludge destroying the most of pathogens present in the it. Biogas and its combustion can cover the entire energy requirements of a plant for aeration, digestion, heating, and electricity production and thus they optimaze expenditures of a plant and the impact a plant has on the environment. In this paper, an assessment of the communal wastewater bioenergy potential is conducted using the IPCC 2006 model. The total potential of biogas production from wastewater of urban and rural population on the territory of Kragujevac is estimated at 471 037 Nm3 of biogas.
URI: https://scidar.kg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/16801
Тип: article
ISSN: 0354-8651
Налази се у колекцијама:Faculty of Engineering, Kragujevac

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