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Назив: Specific Sliding of the Trochoidal Gearing at the Gerotor Pump
Аутори: Ivanović, Lozica
Josifović, Danica
Ilić, Andreja
Stojanovic, Blaza
Датум издавања: 2011
Сажетак: In the paper is given the method to determination of the gear geometrical dimensions at the gerotor pump on the base of the specific sliding equality in the point with the greatest sliding velocity. The gerotor pumps are the rotated pumps with internal trochoidal gearing. The pump working process is followed with mechanical losses as a consequence of the wearing between the surfaces of the meshing tooth profiles. To reduce these unwanted effects and taking out the gear active tooth surfaces wearing is necessary to realize minimum of the film oil between contact surfaces. Minimum oil film thickness is in function from the numerous different factors and in this paper are analyzed only geometrical and kinematical characteristics of the meshing tooth profile surfaces. At first are defined the geometrical and functional working limits for the gears. It is developed the mathematical model in form of the parameter equations which is following the change of the relative velocities in contact, sliding velocity, rolling velocity and specific sliding of the gear tooth profiles in the contact point. They are defined the conditions for the equality of the specific sliding in the critical contact points. To the observed geometrical-kinematical model of the gerotor pump is developed the computer program and on the base of the obtained results are chosen the values of the parameters to the realisation of the concrete teeth pairs of the gerotor pump with the better tribological characteristics
URI: https://scidar.kg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/16916
Тип: conferenceObject
Налази се у колекцијама:Faculty of Engineering, Kragujevac

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