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Назив: The small hydro power plants – new deal of the Serbian energetic
Аутори: Babić, Milun
Pavlović, Nenad
Milovanovic, Dobrica
Jovicic, Nebojsa
Gordić, Dušan
Despotovic, Milan
Sustersic, Vanja
Датум издавања: 2005
Сажетак: The influence of organized investment in small hydro power plant building on the development of deregulating electric market in Serbia is presented in this paper. The results of analysis of energetic, economic and ecological benefits that can be derived from the process are also presented. In the process of initiation, preparation and forming of such approach participants were Ministry of Mining and Energy of Republic of Serbia, Electric Power Industry of Serbia, Energy Efficiency Agency of Republic of Serbia and Energy Regional Euro Efficiency Center Kragujevac. They prepared comprehensive pre-study entitled "The Master Plan for Small Hydro Power Plants Building in Serbia”. The aims of that pre-study were to: • preliminary investigate the influence of organized investment in small hydro power plants building on the development of deregulating electric market in Serbia; • simulate energetic, economic and ecological possibilities of different variants of such approach for the next fifteen years; • establish the optimal scenario for organized building of small power plants. All necessary political and administrative decisions related to the future development of Serbian national energetic sector are made and Electric Industry of Serbia had been already restructured. In this work, it has been attempted to identify methods for optimal management of the small power plants building in this new and for Serbian surrounding yet unsatisfactory clear economic conditions. Besides the results of simulation of potential energetic, economic and ecological benefits from the Master plan realization, basic characteristics of original simulated mathematical model and developed software for determination of these characteristics are shown in this work.
URI: https://scidar.kg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/17173
Тип: conferenceObject
Налази се у колекцијама:Faculty of Engineering, Kragujevac

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