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Назив: Overview of the geographic distribution endemic earthworm Helodrilus balkanicus plavensis (Karaman, 1972) of the Balkan
Аутори: Trakić, Tanja
Stojanovic, Mirjana
Sekulić, Jovana
Popovic, Filip
Датум издавања: 2022
Сажетак: The objective of this paper is to analyze the literature data of records of Helodrilus balcanicus plavensis (Karaman, 1972) in order to present a general overview of its distribution on the Balkan Peninsula. Helodrilus balcanicus plavensis belongs to the broad range Balkan endemic. During the last 50 years, this subspecies has been recorded in localities in Montenegro as well as the western, eastern and southern parts of Serbia, Kosovo and Metohia, while it is sporadically found in Bulgaria. For now, the northernmost limit of the species is in the eastern part of Serbia (Žagubica), while the southernmost limit is in the south part of Kosovo and Metohia (Šar Mountain). Andrijevica (Montenegro) is the westernmost locality reported, while the easternmost limit is in Bulgaria (Pirin Mountain). Further, the habitats of the subspecies are restricted on river banks, near streams and in springs (in roots of aquatic plants), rarely in the mud under stones. Therefore, we classify subspecies H. balcanicus plavensis in the hydrophilic ecological category of earthworms. Overall, this paper summarized the knowledge on the ecology and distribution of a little known Balkan endemic subspecies H. balcanicus plavensis.
URI: https://scidar.kg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/17213
Тип: conferenceObject
Налази се у колекцијама:Faculty of Science, Kragujevac

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