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Назив: Numerical Analysis of Tribomechanical System Brake Disc-pad for Heavy Duty Vehicles
Аутори: Stojanovic, Nadica
Glišović, Jasna
Stojanovic, Blaza
Grujic, Ivan
Датум издавања: 2017
Сажетак: Brake system in addition to a steering system actively intervenes to help defuse critical driving situations and prevent accidents from happening come under the heading of active safety. The braking system is expected to be a reliable and durable under normal operating conditions of the vehicle, but also in extreme conditions. For an understanding of the nature of any problem, it is necessary first to realize where the problem originates and to analyze the influential factors. The problems of braking process are characterized by their tribological nature. This paper presents the application of contemporary - alternative materials for making the brake discs for heavy duty vehicles. Analysis was carried in the ANSYS software and the results of the analysis are shown, and also a comparison is made with the conventional discs. The obtained results point to problems that require more effort to develop the MMS materials whose cost and friction characteristics bring advantages over conventional material.
URI: https://scidar.kg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/17344
Тип: conferenceObject
Налази се у колекцијама:Faculty of Engineering, Kragujevac

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