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Аутори: Rusimović, Tanja
Датум издавања: 2022
Сажетак: The endocentric antecedent represents the interference of the lexical-semantic and formal antecedent. In this paper, the term endocentric antecedent represents an antecedent that refers to a group of syntactically related words, in which the subordinate member is functionally equivalent to the group, i.e. it is substantivized. This antecedent may be referred to cataphorically or anacataphorically. In the case of a referential expression, the reference to an endocentric antecedent is anacataphoric. Anaphora can be conceptual in which case only the denotation of a noun expression is taken over. Such an endocentric antecedent with a default lexeme and a restrictive adjective clause can be exclusive, meaning that it belongs to the set of entities from which the denotation is taken, and the anaphora is excluded from the set and stands out, or inclusive, outside the set of entities referred to by the conceptual anaphora, included in that set. In both cases, the lexeme referred to by the conceptual anaphora for the purpose of denotation and the antecedent are not in the relationship of co-reference, but are cosignificant. Anaphora can also be referential, in which case reference is considered in addition to the denotation. This anaphora refers to referential expressions (proper nouns and personal pronouns) and non-referential expressions (a common noun from which the denotation is taken - if the content of the adjective clause also refers to the class, there is no subsetting, if the adjective clause is non-restrictive, then anaphora is likewise referential). Such anaphoric references enable a wide range of implied lexemes in the antecedent and their ellipsis. That is, this ellipsis of the noun from the antecedent is made possible by the linguistic context. Therefore, the forcedence of the antecedent is crucial in achieving the specificity of the referent, and thus the informativeness of the discourse.
URI: https://scidar.kg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/17417
Тип: article
DOI: 10.46793/NasKg2253.027R
ISSN: 18201768
Налази се у колекцијама:Institute for Information Technologies, Kragujevac

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