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Назив: Existence of solution for some φ-Caputo fractional differential inclusions via Wardowski-Mizoguchi-Takahashi multi-valued contractions
Аутори: Mohammadi Babak, Paunović Marija
Parvanah Vahid, Mursaleen Mohammad
Датум издавања: 2023
Сажетак: In this study, we examine the existence of solution for some φ-Caputo fractional differential inclusions with arbitrary coefficients with boundary values using Wardowski-Mizoguchi-Takahashi multi-valued contractions. Our results utilize some existence results regarding φ-Caputo fractional differential inclusions, in particular the results of Belmor et al. (2021). Our key findings are illustrated with an example.
URI: https://scidar.kg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/17810
Тип: article
DOI: 10.2298/FIL2312777M
ISSN: 03545180
SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85150439109
Налази се у колекцијама:Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism, Vrnjačka Banja

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