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Назив: Predškolsko matematičko obrazovanje: osnova za školsko učenje matematike
Аутори: Maričić, Sanja
Stamatović, Jelena
Датум издавања: 2021
Сажетак: The transition between different educational stages is characterized by a process the outcomes of which depend on the preparation at the previous educational stage and readiness to make new steps at the next stage. Our initial assumption is that preschool education is an important link in the educational process, the function of which is to ensure as smooth a transition to primary school education as possible. In this context, we focused our attention to understanding the importance of preschool maths education as an important preparatory element for primary school, and a predictor of children’s success in the following stages of education. We organized a study on the sample of preschool children aimed at determining whether the level of development of concepts, such as spatial relations and logical operations – classification, serialization and conservation, as well as important elements of logical/ mathematical thinking in children depends on the length of their involvement in the aforementioned process. The results obtained through oral survey show that preschool education contributes to the development of mathematical spatial relations, but not in all children and not completely, that children do indeed develop logical operations such as classification, serialization and conservation, but also that the longer the child is involved in this educational process, the better the effects will be ment in the aforementioned process. The results obtained through oral survey showthat preschool education contributes to the development of mathematical spatial relations, but not in all children and not completely, that children do indeed develop logical operations such as classification, serialization and conservation, but also that the longer the child is involved in this educational process, the better the effects will be.
URI: https://scidar.kg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/18252
Тип: conferenceObject
DOI: 10.26493/978-961-293-136-0.195-208
Налази се у колекцијама:Faculty of Teacher Education, Užice

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