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Назив: | Niz zečju diskursa: mačor kao privid jezičke slobode u romanu Alisa u zemlji čuda Luisa Kerola |
Аутори: | Stojanović, Aleksandra |
Датум издавања: | 2021 |
Сажетак: | The paper aims to examine the concept of discourse in terms of Michael Foucault’s notion of power, stemming from the idea that discourse is controlling. Being a part of discourse means following rules and acting in accordance with set norms. The power of discourse is primarily seen through the way in which our behavior is regulated by discursive practices. We do not have any control over the way we are integrated into discourse, just as we each attempt to free ourselves from it will be futile because escaping a certain discourse would require its use. A deconstructive analysis, as proposed by Jacque Derrida, places the disappearing Cheshire Cat in the position of a trace, giving Alice false hope in obtaining linguistic freedom. The Chesire Cat, as an entity that is both absent and present, represents the illusion of freedom which leads Alice to discover the way discourse functions as well as the impossibility of escape. The fall down the rabbit hole may be seen as our entrance into discourse, and Alice’s time in Wonderland as our actions within its limitations. |
URI: | https://scidar.kg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/18275 |
Тип: | conferenceObject |
Налази се у колекцијама: | The Faculty of Philology and Arts, Kragujevac (FILUM) |
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ZBORNIK Macke 29-07 Stojanovic.pdf | 224.69 kB | Adobe PDF | Погледајте |
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