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Title: Aleksandrijski čas Jovana Hristića i Konstantina Kavafija
Authors: Vasileva, Olja
Journal: Afrika: Književnost, kultura, jezik, politika
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: Barbarian poetics as a poetic signum of two contemporary poets opened up questions of new problematization of the modern poetic voice. It is also archaeologically unfinished, aesthetically complex and historically performative. The question about barbarians in the history of literature, philosophy and history remains opened as a sign of time and intepretation that became a metonymy of personal choice. If Alexandria was and is a layered city its elements come to life in unique portraits and selfportraits of two poets. The way they open their windows, their midday sun or midnight pointers reflect an authentic dialogue with violence, human body, and truly enigmatic legacy of barbarians.
Type: bookPart
Appears in Collections:The Faculty of Philology and Arts, Kragujevac (FILUM)

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