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Title: Fault-tolerant control of a hydraulic servo actuator via adaptive dynamic programming
Authors: Stojanović, Vladimir
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: The fault-tolerant control problem of a hydraulic servo actuator in the presence of actuator faults is studied utilizing adaptive dynamic programming. This task is challenging because of unknown system dynamics, uncertain disturbances or unmeasurable system states of such highly nonlinear systems in real applications. The aim is to achieve asymptotic tracking and actuator faults compensation by minimizing some predefined performance index. The discrete-time algebraic Riccati equation is iteratively solved by the adaptive dynamic programming approach. For practical reasons, adaptive dynamic programming techniques and fault compensation are integrated to iteratively compute an approximated optimal fault-tolerant control using real-time input/output data without any a priori knowledge of the system dynamics and unmeasurable states. As a result, a fault-tolerant control of hydraulic servo actuator is then designed based on adaptive dynamic programming via output feedback. Also, the convergence analysis of a data-driven fault-tolerant control is theoretically shown as well. Finally, intensive simulation results are given to prove the validity and merits of the developed data-driven fault-tolerant control strategy.
Type: article
DOI: 10.3934/mmc.2023016
ISSN: 2767-8946
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, Kraljevo

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