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Аутори: Skerlic, Jasmina
Bojic, Milorad
Nikolic, Danijela
Radulović, Jasna
Cvetković, Dragan
Датум издавања: 2015
Сажетак: During the first years of the twenty-first century, extensive efforts have been undertaken to alleviate global warming of the earth caused by emission of CO2 in atmosphere. The emissions may be mitigated when part of energy needs is satisfied by using non-polluting energy sources such as solar energy, instead of fossil fuels. Also, another important advantage of the usage of solar energy is that it does not pollute the environment with nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide. In Serbian households, around 70% of electricity is produced by using coal with high greenhouse emission, it is important and the most rewarding to use solar energy for DHW heating instead of electrical energy. In addition it is important to have a high efficiency of conversion of solar energy to heat. Then, the highest amount of avoided primary energy, avoided electrical energy, and decrease in CO2 emissions may be expected. In this paper, a use of Hooke-Jeeves algorithm is reported to obtain the maximum annual avoided CO2 emission due to maximum avoided electrical energy use as a function of number of optimum tilt position of the solar collector in SDHWS during year for Belgrade, in Serbia. Also, the difference in annual avoided emission of CO2 of different solar collector system relates to the stationary optimally located solar collector that yearly operates at one tilt.
URI: https://scidar.kg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/19087
Тип: conferenceObject
Налази се у колекцијама:Faculty of Engineering, Kragujevac

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