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Назив: ‘Čačanska Rodna’ - a plum cultivar for drying
Аутори: Mitrović, Olga
Popović, Branko
Glišić, Ivana
Korićanac, Aleksandra
Leposavić, Aleksandar
Jevremović, Darko
Miletic, Nemanja
Датум издавања: 2020
Сажетак: The paper presents the results of the variability of quality of dried fruits of ‘Cacanska Rodna’ during the fourteen-year period, depending on the characteristics of the fresh fruits used for drying and climatic conditions during their ripening. Fruits from the plantations of Fruit Research Institute Cacak, at Preljinsko Brdo facility, where standard agro- and pomotechnical measures are regularly applied, were used for the examination. The fruits intended for drying of approximately same weight and adequate ripeness degree were picked selectively. Drying was performed in the experimental dryer at the air temperature 90°C until reaching 75% of the total dry matter in the dried fruit. Based on the results of examining chemical composition of fresh and dried plums, it can be concluded that the fruits of ‘Cacanska Rodna’ are suitable for drying regardless of climatic conditions during the summer period and that the desired sweet-sour taste of prunes can be obtained by processing fruits with soluble solids content higher than 18%.
URI: https://scidar.kg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/19515
Тип: article
ISSN: 1820-5054
Налази се у колекцијама:Faculty of Agronomy, Čačak

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