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Title: Tehno-ekonomska analiza zamene električnog kotla toplotnom pumpom vazduh voda za zagrevanje stambenog prostora
Authors: Josijevic, Mladen
Gordić, Dušan
Vukasinovic, Vladimir
Nikolic, Jelena
Živković, Dubravka
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: U radu je razmatrana implementacija toplotne pumpe tipa vazduh-voda za zagrevanje domaćinstva kao zamena za električni kotao. Predložena je metodologija za utvrđivanje potrošnje energije za zagrevanje objekta na osnovu prikupljenih podataka sa računa za električnu energiju i simulacija softverom za proračun gubitaka toplote na osnovu građevinske fizike objekta. Razvijena metodologija je analizirana na studiji slučaja. Rezultati su pokazali da je u slučaju analiziranog objekta moguće ostvariti uštedu u potrošnji električne energije od oko 60%. U finansijskom smislu, uzimajući u obzir tarifni sistem naplate moguće je očekivati smanjenje računa za električnu energiju i do 3 puta. Prost period povraćaja investicije je za analizirani slučaj oko 4 godine. This paper focuses on the implementation of air-water heat pumps used to provide heating for households instead of electric boilers. The paper proposes a methodology for determining the quantity of energy used for heating based on the data collected from electricity bills. In addition, the simulations conducted in a selected software can provide insight into the amount of energy loss based on the constructional characteristics of an object. The proposed methodology was tested through a case study. The results indicate that the selected household can save about 60% of electricity currently consumed. Financially speaking, it is reasonable to expect that the electricity costs can be reduced by three times and that the payback period of the investment would be about four years for this household.
Type: article
DOI: 10.46793/EEE23-4.42J
ISSN: 0354-8651
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Engineering, Kragujevac

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