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Назив: Quality of eggs from Banat naked neck and Isa Brown during storage
Аутори: Škrbić, Zdenka
Lukić, Miloš
Petričević, Veselin
Rakonjac, Simeon
Dosković, Vladimir
Tolimir, Nataša
Milenković, D.
Датум издавања: 2023
Сажетак: The genotype of hens, as well as production system and the diet of the hens, determine the quality of eggs that are best moment for oviposition. In addition to the initial quality of eggs, the duration and conditions of storage are factors that determine the suitability of the egg quality of the native Banat Naked Neck hens and to compare it with the eggs of the ISa Brown hybrid laying hens under the sam conditions of production and storage. The eggs were stored in refrigirator at a temperature of 8C, for 2 of 4 weeks, and in accordance with Rulebook on Egg Quality. Eggs wewr sampled in 3 repetitions and 2 groups were formed: storage time 2 weeks and storage time 4 weeks. each with 90 eggs, ie. 45 eggs per genotype and duration of storage. The analysis of the initial quality of BNN and ISA eggss showed differences in the ratio of egg structural parts, that in, yolk and white, which were maintained through the entire storage period. The eggs of BNN had a higher share of yolk and a lower share of albumen compared to ISA. Egg weight of BNN and ISA did not differ. Albumen height and Haugh units showed higher values of initially and after 2 weeks of storage in ISA laying hens. After 4 weeks of storage, there are no differences between eggs of BNN and ISA layers in terms of albumen height and HU. In accordance with the mentioned parameters, the pH value of the albumen was higher in BNN hens after 2 weeks of storage. After four weeks of storage, these processes were more moderate and the determine between the eggs of BNN and ISA layers were at a lower level of sigificinace.
URI: https://scidar.kg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/19966
Тип: conferenceObject
Налази се у колекцијама:Faculty of Agronomy, Čačak

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