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Назив: Effects of Protease and Sex on Skin, Bone and Muscle Yields and Percentages of Major Primal Cuts in Broilers
Аутори: Dosković, Vladimir
Bogosavljević-Bošković, Snežana
Škrbić, Zdenka
Lukić, Miloš
Milošević, Božidar
Rakonjac, Simeon
Petričević, Veselin
Bjedov, Siniša
Датум издавања: 2023
Сажетак: This study aimed to assess the effects of different dietary levels of the protease enzyme and sex on skin, bone and muscle yields and percentages of breast, drumsticks and thighs as the most valuable carcass parts of broilers. A total of 300 one-day-old, mixed-sex broiler chickens (Cobb 500) were randomly divided into 3 dietary treatments with different levels of protease supplementation (group C: a standard diet without Ronozyme ProAct; group E-I: a diet with 200 mg/kg Ronozyme ProAct and a 4% crude protein reduction compared to the standard diet; and group E-II: a diet with 300mg/kg Ronozyme ProAct and a 6% crude protein reduction compared to the standard diet). All diets were maize- and soybean meal-based. Feed and water were provided ad libitum throughout the 49-day feeding trial. The results obtained indicate that the dietary treatments had no significant effect on skin, bone and muscle yields and percentages of the drumsticks, thighs and breast (P > 0.05), except for the breast muscle weight in the female chickens (especially between the E-I and E-II groups), and the drumstick bone percentage in the males between the C and E-2 groups (P < 0.05). In all three groups, the male chickens exhibited higher weights of skin, muscle and bone in breast, drumsticks and thighs than the female chickens, and the differences were not significant only in the skin weight of drumsticks and thighs (P > 0.05). The females had a higher yield of muscle tissue in breast and drumsticks, a higher percentage of skin in drumsticks and thighs, and a lower percentage of bone in drumsticks and thighs than the males (P < 0.05). Major differences resulted from the effect of broiler sex, whereas the dietary treatments containing 3 levels of protease supplementation had a very small effect on the yields and percentages of skin, bone and muscle in breast, drumsticks and thighs.
URI: https://scidar.kg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/19987
Тип: article
DOI: 10.2478/contagri-2023-0021
ISSN: 2466-4774
Налази се у колекцијама:Faculty of Agronomy, Čačak

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