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Назив: Angelologija kao poetski okvir erotologije Miloša Crnjanskog
Аутори: Đurđevic, Đorđe
Часопис: Miloš Crnjanski – romantični anarhist 20. veka
Датум издавања: 2020
Сажетак: In this work we are analyzing Crnjanski’s novel The Journal of Čarnojević through the aspect of its epistolar form traces. In the first excerpt of this novel, published a year before the novel was published, central episode of a novel was made in a form of a letter written to an unkown friend. This letter-form was removed in the first and all of the other editions, but not completely. Epistolar traces were left on purpose with a new symbolic intention, to present a deconstruction of romantic subject and creation of a modern literary character at its place. Crnjanski’s modern hero is made as a pollyvalent, unnameable subject, which could not be held in positions of traditional narrative, as a narrator, letter sender, nor the narration itself could be presented as a writing to someone specific, who could have a role of an adressee. These two positions are constantly mixing, so sender is becoming adressee and adressee is becoming sender. In this circle, figure of a double fails to achieve its goal and become totally separated, so the Other, as a metaphysical presence doesn’t exist, although narrator is constantly trying to make this existence possible. Numerous multiplications of a double which are caused by this opsessive desire to create the Other become a line of symbolic failures, so the narrator is turning to metaphysical spaces of nature (sumatraistic spaces) who are available as visual presences, but could not be made discursively formed. In theese spaces he finds, at the sime time, onthological comfort, but also hios death, as theese spaces simoultanously exist and don’t exist, so he remains in a state of a metaphysical dilemma, which is a basic state of modern literary subjects.
URI: https://scidar.kg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/19992
Тип: conferenceObject
Налази се у колекцијама:The Faculty of Philology and Arts, Kragujevac (FILUM)

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