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Назив: The effect of the use crude soybean in final mixtures for broiler chicken on chemical and amino acid composition of meat
Аутори: Petričević, Veselin
Lukić, Miloš
Škrbić, Zdenka
Bogosavljević-Bošković, Snežana
Dosković, Vladimir
Rakonjac, Simeon
Petričević, Maja
Датум издавања: 2016
Сажетак: The aim of this study was to determine the effects of using different varieties and levels of participation of raw soybeans in the final mixtures for broiler chickens on chemical and amino acid composition of dark and white meat. The research was conducted at the experimental farm of the Institute for Animal Husbandry in Zemun using Hubbard F15 heavy line hybrid broilers. A total of 2000 one-day broilers were distributed in 40 equal boxes reared on deep litter (50 chickens per box, 4 boxes replicates per treatment diet). Chickens in all groups had uniform requirements in terms of population density, food area, temperature and light. Until the age of 35 days all birds in the experiment were fed the same diets. The study was carried out on chickens at the age of 35-42 days, according to the principle of two-factorial trial 2 x 5 (2 varieties of domestic varieties x 5 levels of participation of raw grains in the mixture) with a total of 10 treatments. At the end of the experiment, 6 broilers per each tested treatment and gender were randomly selected, a total of 120 chickens, from which the sample of breasts and thigh muscle tissue was taken after the slaughter in order to determine the quality of the meat. It was established that increased concentration of trypsin inhibitor in the final mixtures for chicken had no negative impact on the quality of meat (basic chemical and amino acid composition of dark and white meat).
URI: https://scidar.kg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/20114
Тип: conferenceObject
Налази се у колекцијама:Faculty of Agronomy, Čačak

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