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Назив: Techno-economic justification of reparatory hard facing of various working parts of mechanical systems
Аутори: Lazic, Vukic
Rajko, Čukic
Aleksandrovic, Srbislav
Milosavljevic, Dragan
Arsić, Dušan
Branislav, Nedeljkovic
Djordjevic, Milan
Датум издавања: 2014
Сажетак: Research in the field of hard-facing of various parts mechanical systems' are being done for technical and techno-economic reasons. The reasons for introducing the new reparation technologies by hard-facing are numerous: three quarters of all the mechanical parts of engineering could be regenerated or manufactured by hard facing; the working life of the repaired part reaches or even exceeds the working life of a new part, while the working life of the hard faced manufactured part surpasses several times the working life of the new part manufactured by some other technology. Large number of damaged and, frequently even broken parts, cause terminations of the working process. Thus, due to difficulties in procurement of new, mainly imported parts, the alternative solution must be applied. It is sown that the a proper choice of the hard-facing technology is related to the complex procedure of checking the quality of the hard faced layer, what indicates that the reparatory operations could be performed only in specialized regeneration workshops, which are furnished with adequate equipment and corresponding expert and skilled staff. The estimated net benefit for the analyzed parts is exceptionally high, regardless of the fact that the additional external and internal effects have not been quantified.
URI: https://scidar.kg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/20341
Тип: article
ISSN: 0354-8996
Налази се у колекцијама:Faculty of Engineering, Kragujevac

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