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Назив: Uvod u tribološka istraživanja pri oblikovanju mikro delova dubokim izvlačenjem
Аутори: Samardžic M.
Stefanovic, Milentije
Aleksandrovic, Srbislav
Датум издавања: 2005
Сажетак: Due to the trend of miniaturization of products, the significance of procedures for their production is constantly growing. Deep drawing, in addition to bulk forming, represents a procedure which can be used for production of such parts. In the course of that, many problems can appear as the consequence of the fact that technology cannot be directly transferred from macro to micro parts. One of the effects of micro parts dimensions is the change of friction conditions in relation to parts of usual size. It has been observed that, in the same forming conditions, friction coefficient has higher value at micro forming in relation to macro forming. The effect of micro parts size also influences the other aspects of the process, such as construction of tools and machines. The paper gives survey of problems which appear at miniaturization and of results of researches of influence of micro parts size effects onto the friction process at deep drawing obtained so far.
URI: https://scidar.kg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/20760
Тип: conferenceObject
Налази се у колекцијама:Faculty of Engineering, Kragujevac

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