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Назив: Predicting the mechanical properties of stainless steels using Artificial Neural Networks
Аутори: Ivković, Djordje
Arsić, Dušan
Adamovic, Dragan
Nikolic, Ruzica
Mitrović, Anđela
Bokuvka, Otakar
Датум издавања: 2024
Сажетак: Knowing the material properties is of a crucial importance when planning to manufacture some structure. That is true for the steel structures, as well. Thus, for the proper planning of a certain steel part or a structure production, one must be aware of the properties of the material, to be able to make a qualified decision, which material should be used. Considering that the manufacturing of steel products is constantly growing in various branches of industry and engineering, the problem of predicting the material properties, needed to satisfy the requirements for the certain part efficient and reliable functioning, becomes an imperative in the design process. A method of predicting four material properties of the two stainless steels, by use of the artificial neural network (ANN) is presented in this article. Those properties were predicted based on the particular steels’ known chemical compositions and the corresponding material properties available in the Cambridge Educational System EDU PACK 2010 software, using the neural network module of MathWorks Matlab. The method was verified by comparing the values of the material properties predicted by this method to known values of properties for the two stainless steels, X5CrNi18-10 (AISI 304), X5CrNiMo17-12-2 (AISI 316). The difference between the two sets of values was below 5% and, in some cases, even negligible.
URI: https://scidar.kg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/20829
Тип: article
DOI: 10.30657/pea.2024.30.21
ISSN: 2353-7779
Налази се у колекцијама:Faculty of Engineering, Kragujevac

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