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Аутори: Ribac, Milojka
Часопис: Uzdanica: časopis za jezik, književnost i pedagoške nauke
Датум издавања: 2024
Сажетак: The paper examines models of reported speech in Vesna Kapor’s novel Nebo, tako duboko from the point of view of syntax and stylistics. According to the classification by Miloš Kovačević, the following types of reported speech were identified in the novel: 1) direct speech (basic model), 2) direct speech without dialogue tags, 3) free indirect speech, 4) free indirect speech accompanied with narrator’s voice, 5) free indirect speech introduced with verba dicendi and free indirect speech representing character’s voices that are not spoken aloud, 6) direct speech which contains fragments of character’s words, 7) direct speech containing deictic expressions instead of character’s exact words, 8) monologic direct speech, 9) indirect speech (basic model), 10) indirect speech without subordinate conjunctions, 11) expressive indirect speech, which maintains interrogative form and question marks, and 12) semi-direct speech. The dominant model used in the novel is the free indirect speech introduced with quotation marks or introductory expressions, which is in accordance with the specific graphostylemic features of the text. Quotation marks appear almost as an exception, and italics have a very specific role in demarcation of the text segments. The author’s choice is extremely stylogenic and justified, since it achieves a shift of the reader’s focus from a literal factual sequence of events to an emotional engagement and a kind of participation in reviving the memory of Tara. The echoes of the past, the time she was still alive, are expressed with short and concise cuts of memory. Reviving the memory of Tara makes her alive in a way.
URI: https://scidar.kg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/21046
Тип: article
DOI: 10.46793/Uzdanica21.1.127R
ISSN: 1451673X
Налази се у колекцијама:The Faculty of Philology and Arts, Kragujevac (FILUM)

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