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Title: Energy of a fuzzy soft set and its application in decision-making
Authors: Mudrić-Staniškovski, Ljubica
Djurovic, Ljubica
Stojanović, Nenad
Journal: Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems
Issue Date: 2024
Abstract: In our paper, we continue the study of the theory of fuzzy soft sets and their properties. Based on the singular values of the corresponding matrix, we define the energy of a fuzzy soft set, as well as the $\lambda$-energy of a fuzzy soft set, allowing us to introduce an effective method for decision-making. Then, we consider the limits of the defined energies, which are essentially non-negative numerical values. The paper demonstrates through examples how the introduced method can be successfully applied to many problems containing uncertainties. Additionally, the paper includes comparisons of the introduced method with other methods addressing similar problems.
Type: article
DOI: 10.22111/ijfs.2024.46797.8243
ISSN: 1735-0654
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Engineering, Kragujevac

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