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Title: Fenomen oniričkog i insomnije: Omama Slobodana Vladušića kao roman-san
Authors: Čebašek, Aleksandra V.
Kandić, Milica A.
Journal: Savremena proučavanja jezika i književnosti, godina XV, knjiga 2
Issue Date: 2024
Abstract: The main purpose of the paper is to analyze Slobodan Vladušić’s novel focusing on the aspects of oneirism and insomnia. The analysis is based on the interpretation of the introduction and the ending of the novel, and it shows that Omama remains great fiction, a so-called dream-novel. Using an analytical-synthetic approach, Omama is explained through oneiric representations and representations of insomnia, whose problematic aspects, closeness and mutual coupling result in paranoia, nightmares, delusions and trauma as the main trigger that establishes a double novelistic fiction. The innovativeness of Slobodan Vladušić’s storytelling process in the dream-novel Omama brings into focus the questioning of “actual” reality and “dreamlike” reality, which are obviously refracted through the prism of a double reading: reading the novel objectively and reading the dream-novel.
Type: conferenceObject
Appears in Collections:The Faculty of Philology and Arts, Kragujevac (FILUM)

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