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Аутори: Rapajić, Milan
Часопис: Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta Univerziteta u Kragujevcu, Knj. 1
Датум издавања: 2024
Сажетак: The work, which was created on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the last Constitution of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1974, shows the constitutional position and functions of the Federal Executive Council and federal administrative bodies. According to Article 364 of the Constitution of the SFRY from 1974, the SIV is designated as the executive body of the Assembly of the SFRY and as such, within the rights and duties of the Federation, is responsible to the Assembly of the SFRY for the situation in all areas of social life for the implementation of policy and the execution of federal laws and other regulations and general Acts of the Assembly of SFRY as well as for directing and harmonizing the work of federal administrative bodies. Such constitutional designation of the SIV determined its nature, position and basic functions. According to the Constitution of the SFRY from 1974, it was possible to divide the tasks of the Federal Executive Council into the following groups: 1) responsibility for implementing the policy of the Federation; 2) initiative in the Assembly; 3) taking care of the execution of the policy and acts of the Assembly; 4) special powers in relation to the administration; 5) ratification of certain international agreements; 6) proposals for elections and dismissal and the right to appoint and dismiss; 7) normative powers; 8) jobs established by law. On the basis of the Constitution of the SFRY from 1974, the foundations of the organization of the federal administration were established. Thus, it was determined that federal secretariats should be established for the performance of administrative duties in certain areas, and that federal law may establish other federal administration bodies and federal organizations for the performance of certain administrative, professional and other duties within the framework of the rights and duties of the Federation as well as schools, scientific and other institutions for carrying out tasks of interest for the realization of the functions of the Federation. At the end of the paper, in a critical tone, the nominality of the Constitution of SFRY from 1974 is essentially discussed, and when it comes to the position of the executive power, of which the Federal Executive Council was an integral part. Namely, even if in the parliamentary system, and through constitutional documents and theoretical works, the legislative body was inaugurated as the supreme state body to which all other state bodies are subordinate (including in the delegate parliamentary system of the SFRY), in the political life of socialist Yugoslavia the executive functions of government, therefore the functions of the Federal Executive Council manifested themselves as the functions of a separate real executive.
URI: https://scidar.kg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/21996
Тип: bookPart
DOI: 10.46793/7623-143-0.181R
Налази се у колекцијама:Faculty of Law, Kragujevac

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