University Library, Kragujevac Почетна страница колекције


The University Library in Kragujevac is a library of a generally scientific character, and its activity has the function of teaching, scientific and researching processes at the University. This is how it contributes to successful studying, spreading and affirmation of knowledge, teaching and scientific advanced training and creative work of professors and researchers on faculties and institutes of the University in Kragujevac.

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2024testŽivić, Ivan
Ставке колекције (сортирано према датуму подношења силазно): 1 до 1 од 1

The University Library, as part of its main activity, accomplishes a series of accompanying programs (scientific, literary and cultural, teaching and educational, vocational and publishing). The Library has its own publishing activity and publishes Bibliography of papers of professors and researchers of the University, as well as Bibliography of doctoral dissertations and master theses defended at University of Kragujevac.


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