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Title: Giftedness and creativity of students and teachers in the process of education
Authors: Petrovic, Ruzica
Trifunović, Vesna
Milovanovic, Radmila
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: This paper conceptually defines the categories of giftedness and creativity and associates them with the role of teachers and students in their realization in the process of education. It examines the basic abilities that a teacher should possess and the methods that should be used for proper identification of students' potential and for their overall development. Giftedness is not reduced to the rational intelligence but is understood in the context of wider spiritual content for the identification of which the enhanced creative sensibility of teachers is essential. Ways in which teachers can encourage students' creative energy are: a) recognizing wonderment asthe basic cognitive impulse, b) identifying and motivating curiosity as a good way of introducing the process of free-thinking, c) developing the giftof observation as an ability of keen sensual and spiritual perception, withwhich one can discover latent creative energy, d) fostering eloquence as the basis for successful development of verbal communication skills, f) strengthening moral qualities as an assumption of feelings of safety, empathy, motivation of the spirit of tolerance and formation of a positive attitude to life.
Type: article
DOI: 10.5539/ies.v6n7p111
ISSN: 1913-9020
SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-84880001028
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Education, Jagodina

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