1. Cvjetković Vladimir, Matijevic Milan, Overview of architectures with arduino boards as building blocks for data acquisition and control systems, null, 10.3991/ijoe.v12i07.5818 (ISSN 1868-1646) 10.3991-ijoe.v12i07.5818.pdf
2. Djokic-Petrovic M., Pritchard David, Ivanović Miloš, Cvjetković Vladimir, IMI Python: Upgraded CS Circles web-based Python course, null, 10.1002/cae.21724 (ISSN 1061-3773)
3. Cvjetković Vladimir, Stankovic U., Arduino based physics and engineering remote laboratory, null, 10.3991/ijoe.v13i01.6375 (ISSN 1868-1646) 10.3991-ijoe.v13i01.6375.pdf
4. Djokic-Petrovic M., Cvjetković Vladimir, Yang J., Živanovic M., Wild D., PIBAS FedSPARQL: A web-based platform for integration and exploration of bioinformatics datasets, null, 10.1186/s13326-017-0151-z 10.1186-s13326-017-0151-z.pdf
5. Cvjetković Vladimir, Pocket labs supported IoT teaching, null, 10.3991/ijep.v8i2.8129 10.3991-ijep.v8i2.8129.pdf
6. Cvjetković Vladimir, Kovačević Milan, Web-based experiment for teaching the electrical characteristics of a solar cell and module, null, 10.1002/cae.22018 (ISSN 1061-3773)
7. Blagojević Stefan, Cvjetković Vladimir, Nikezić Aleksandra, Ćurčić Milutinović Milena, Marković Snežana, Bioinformatics online support for bioactive substances cytotoxicity testing and their statistical analysis, null, 10.5937/KgJSci2042055B (ISSN 1450-9636) 1450-96362042055B.pdf
1. Stefanovic Miladin, Matijevic Milan, Cvjetković Vladimir, Internet-based remote laboratories as a part of a blended learning environment, null, 10.4018/978-1-4666-0939-6.ch008
1. Babic Miroslav, Matijević Milan, Stefanovic Miladin, Gordić Dušan, Blagojevic Mirko, Cvjetković Vladimir, ICT tehnologije u funkciji podizanja efikasnosti bolonjskog procesa, null Zbornik Trend 2010.pdf
2. Matijevic Milan, Cvjetković Vladimir, Overview of architectures with Arduino boards as building blocks for data acquisition and control systems, null, 10.1109/REV.2016.7444440
3. Cvjetković Vladimir, Stankovic U., Arduino based physics and engineering remote laboratory, null, 10.1007/978-3-319-50340-0_51 (ISSN 2194-5357)
4. Cvjetković Vladimir, Web physics ontology: Online interactive symbolic computation in physics, null, 10.1109/EXPAT.2017.7984405
5. Cvjetković Vladimir, IoT teaching with pocket labs, null, 10.1007/978-3-319-73204-6_66 (ISSN 2194-5357)