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Zlatić Nenad

 1. Zlatić Nenad, Stanković Milan, Simić Zoran, Secondary metabolites and metal content dynamics in Teucrium montanum L. and Teucrium chamaedrys L. from habitats with serpentine and calcareous substrate, null, 10.1007/s10661-017-5831-8 (ISSN 0167-6369)

 2. Stankovic Milan, Ćurĉić S., Zlatić Nenad, Bojović B., Ecological variability of the phenolic compounds of Olea europaea L. leaves from natural habitats and cultivated conditions, null, 10.1080/13102818.2016.1275804 (ISSN 1310-2818) 10.1080-13102818.2016.1275804.pdf

 3. Zlatić Nenad, Stankovic Milan, Variability of secondary metabolites of the species Cichorium intybus L. from different habitats, null, 10.3390/plants6030038 10.3390-plants6030038.pdf

 4. Zlatić Nenad, Stanković Milan, Effects of calcareous and serpentinite parent material on the mineral characteristics of soils and plant material of Teucrium montanum L. (Lamiaceae), null, 10.1007/s10661-019-7750-3 (ISSN 0167-6369)

 5. Veljković Bojana, Djordjevic Natasa, Dolicanin Z., Ličina B., Topuzovic Marina, Stanković Milan, Zlatić Nenad, Dajic-Stevanovic Z., Antioxidant and anticancer properties of leaf and fruit extracts of the wild raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.), null, 10.15835/nbha47111274 (ISSN 0255-965X)

 6. Zlatić Nenad, Jakovljević Dragana, Stankovic Milan, Temporal, plant part, and interpopulation variability of secondary metabolites and antioxidant activity of Inula helenium l., null, 10.3390/plants8060179 10.3390-plants8060179.pdf

 7. Gulan Ljiljana, Jakšić U., Milenković Biljana, Stajić Jelena, Vasić P., Simić Zoran, Zlatić Nenad, Mosses as bioindicators of radionuclide and metal pollution in northern Kosovo and Metohija mountain region, null, 10.1007/s10967-020-07358-4 (ISSN 0236-5731) Mosses as bioindicators of radionuclide and metal pollution.pdf

 8. Zlatić Nenad, Krstic Dragana, Kostic-Stankovic M., Radioactivity level in relation to geological substrate: dynamics of natural and artificial radionuclides on Teucrium montanum L. (Lamiaceae) habitats, null, 10.1007/s10661-021-09536-7 (ISSN 0167-6369)

 9. Đelić Gorica, Simović Goran, Stanković Milan, Zlatić Nenad, Todorovic Marija, Pavlović Milica, Traditional use of plants in Kuršumlija, null, 10.46793/EtnBot21.33DJ (ISSN 2812-751X) 33-55DJ.pdf

 10. Živković Milena, Zlatić Nenad, Krstic Dragana, Stanković Milan, Health risk assessment of natural and artificial radionuclides in medicinal plants, null, 10.5937/KgJSci2143015Q (ISSN 1450-9636) 1450-96362143015Q.pdf

 11. Grujović Mirjana, Mladenovic Katarina, Marković Stefan, Đukić Nevena, Stajić Jelena, Ostojić Aleksandar, Zlatić Nenad, Chemical, radiological and microbiological characterization of a drinking water source: a case study, null, 10.1111/lam.13778 (ISSN 0266-8254) Grujović et al. checked.pdf Supplementary material.pdf

 12. Zlatić Nenad, Mihailovic Vladimir, Lješević Marija, Beškoski Vladimir, Stanković Milan, Geological substrate-related variability of Teucrium montanum L. (Lamiaceae) essential oil, null, 10.1016/j.bse.2021.104372 (ISSN 0305-1978)

 13. Kanjevac Milica, Zlatić Nenad, Bojović B., Stanković Milan, Pharmaceutical and biological properties of Stachys species: A review, null, 10.1590/s2175-97902022e20211 (ISSN 1984-8250)

 14. Zivković Milena, Zlatić Nenad, Zeremski Tijana, Stankovic Milan, Manić Vesna, Krstic Dragana, Nikezic Dragoslav, Ecological studies of the naturally occurring radionuclides, 137Cs and heavy metals in soil, plants and milk in surrounding of Kragujevac city, Serbia, null, 10.1007/s10967-022-08202-7 (ISSN 0236-5731)

 15. Todorovic Marija, Zlatić Nenad, Bojović B., Kanjevac Milica, Biological properties of selected Amaranthaceae halophytic species: A review, null, 10.1590/s2175-97902022e21229 (ISSN 1984-8250)

 16. Stanković Milan, Zlatić Nenad, Mašković J., Mašković Pavle, Jakovljević Dragana, Teucrium scordium L. and Mentha pulegium L. essential oil importance in adaptive response to salinity stress, null, 10.1016/j.bse.2022.104419 (ISSN 0305-1978)

 1. Zlatić Nenad, Mihailovic Vladimir, Đelic Gorica, Ljesevic Marija, Beskoski Vladimir, Stankovic Milan, VARIJABILNOST SESKVITERPENA ETARSKIH ULJA VRSTE TEUCRIUM MONTANUM L, null, 10.46793/SBT26.453Z 453-458.pdf

 2. Stanković Milan, Marković Tatjana, Zlatić Nenad, Đelić Gorica, Bojović Biljana, VARIJABILNOST SASTAVA ETARSKOG ULJA VRSTE COTINUS COGGYGRIA SCOP. (ANACARDIACEAE) SA TERITORIJE SRBIJE, null, 10.46793/SBT27.469S 469-475-B22.pdf

 3. Zivkovic Milena, Zlatić Nenad, Miladinovic Tatjana B., Stankovic Milan, Krstic Dragana, Assessment of radioactivity levels in soil samples on Zlatibor mountain, null, 10.46793/ICCBI23.201Z 2nd_ICCBIKG_Assessment_of radioactivity_levels_in soil_M.Živković.pdf